Sunday, January 28, 2024

QUIZ - 2024/04


1) Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists retained the Doomsday Clock setting at 90 seconds to midnight. In which city is this clock physically located?

2) Special coins were minted for the toss at Australian Open. What iconic tennis player was featured on the coin?

3) Netflix signed a $5 billion deal to livestream what sports?

4) Alabama used asphyxiation for the first time in US to execute a convicted killer. What gas was used?

5) In which African country was the world’s first malaria vaccination programme rolled out?

6) South Korea was plunged into a political scandal after a secret video of the President’s wife accepting a gift went viral. What was the item in question?

7) What first-class cricket record did Tanmay Agarwal create in the Ranji Trophy match between Hyderabad and Arunachal Pradesh?

8) On the banks of what river is Ayodhya located?

9) What legendary composer broke his own record to earn the 54th Oscar nomination among living persons?

10) Many countries stopped aid to what UN agency after some of its staffers were alleged to have been involved in the Hamas attack against Israel?

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