Wednesday, November 30, 2022

QUIZ - 2022/47


1) What is the name of the Qatar World Cup mascot?

2) Teodoro Obiang, the world’s longest serving President won yet another election to extend his 43 years of rule in which tiny African state?

3) Manx, a language declared extinct, is now being revived. Where is this language spoken?

4) Tabassum, the iconic TV chat show host of yesteryears, passed away at the age of 78. What is her real name?

5) What is the name of the legendary Ahom general whose 400th birth anniversary was observed this week?

6) Whose hasty appointment as election commissioner has attracted scathing criticism from the Supreme Court?

7) Which country initiated the One Love armband campaign to promote LGBTQ inclusion?

8) Stephanie Frappart was the fourth official in the Mexico – Poland match and became the first woman to officiate in a men’s World Cup football match. Which country is she from?

9) Which country was struck by a 6.7 magnitude earthquake killing more than 300?

10) What is Al Rihla?

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