Sunday, July 14, 2013

Answers to Quiz - 132

1)      Who devised the Three Laws of Robotics?
Issac Asimov

2)      What is the popular name of the axiom – “ninety percent of everything is crap”?
Sturgeon’s Law

3)      What book published in 1962 triggered environmental awareness in USA and rest of the world?
Silent Spring

4)      What names have been given to the recently discovered 4th and 5th moons of Pluto?
Kerberos and Styx

5)      Who made “The Mother of All Demos” on December 9, 1968?
Douglas Engelbart, inventor of the Computer Mouse

6)      Which country’s cuisine uses Mirin for seasoning and dressing?

7)      Name the scientist who proposed the Gaia Hypothesis.
James Lovelock

8)      In which modern country would you find the ancient kingdom of Joseon?

9)      What famous monument did Frederic Auguste Bartholdi design?
Statue of Liberty

10)  What is the Cathedral of Saint Cecilia in Albi, France famous for ?

Largest brick building in the world

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