1) What is the Davie Brown Index used to measure?
2) What does the Drake Equation calculate?
3) What term describes the certification of a spacecraft as worthy of transporting human beings?
4) Name the Swedish American meteorologist who first explained large scale motions in the atmosphere in 1940’s
5) The Dead Sea Scrolls discovered between 1947 and 1956 are widely believed to be the library of which Jewish religious group?
6) Established in 1930 with it’s headquarter in Basel, Switzerland name the international organization of central banks.
7) Named after a Swiss agricultural chemist, what law states that an animal’s metabolic rate is proportional to ¾ power of its mass?
8) What did the French men Émile Gagnan and Jacques-Yves Cousteau invent in 1943?
9) The only silent film to win a ‘Best Picture’ Oscar is also the first Oscar winning film for the year 1927-28. Name the film.
10) Name the German women’s rights activist who conceived the first International Women’s day on 8th March 1911.
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