Sunday, June 08, 2008

QUIZ - 52

  1. Coined by the American writer Sylvia Wright in 1954, what term describes the misinterpretation of a line or lyric due to hearing it wrongly and mistaking it for similar sounding words or phrases?
  1. What measures the effect of food on our blood glucose levels?
  1. Which American Civil War General dubbed as ‘Young Napoleon’ by the press was sacked by Abraham Lincoln and went on to challenge him unsuccessfully in the presidential election of 1864?
  1. Name the popular Italian bread which in Italian means slipper, because of its resemblance to slipper?
  1. What ancient port city is the precursor to modern city state of Singapore?
  1. What did the American circus acrobat George Nissen invent in his garage in 1936?
  1. George W Ferris built the first Ferris Wheel in 1893 for the World Fair at Chicago to commemorate a very famous event. What event?
  1. The House of Habsburg has ruled many countries in Europe, among them Austria, Hungary and Spain. But in which country is the seat of origin of the Habsburg Dynasty located?
  1. Glioblastoma is an aggressive and near incurable form of tumour. Which part of the body does it affect?
  1. What is the name given to the uprising led by the Russian army in December 1825 to protest against Nicholas I’s ascension to the throne?

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