Sunday, March 02, 2008

QUIZ - 44

  1. More than 300 years ago Stanislaus Mink von Wennsshein introduced a concept known as the Major System which is still used. What is it used for?
  1. Who will use the Plato Scale and for what purpose?
  1. Name the 19th Century Austrian economist and Minister of Finance whose three volume magnum opus ‘Capital and Interest’ is regarded as a very important contribution to modern economic theory.
  1. In Greek mythology whose blood fertilised Gaia to give rise to a race of giants?
  1. Built near the village of Longyearbyen on the remote arctic island of Spitsbergen in Norway, what will the ‘Doomsday Vault’ contain?
  1. How does the game of Billiards derive its name? the
  1. What term coined by American anthropologists describes the practice of making judgments of people’s personalities based on their shopping habits?
  1. What is the capital of the world’s newest country, Kosovo?
  1. Founded in 1948 at Amsterdam, the World Council of Churches is a Christian organisation dedicated to the search for Christian unity. Where is its headquarters?
  1. Who founded The Population Council in 1952 to search for a better understanding of problems relating to population?

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