Monday, January 07, 2008

QUIZ - 39

  1. In the game of poker, which term describes the best possible hand that is unbeatable?
  1. The French use the expression C'est la bérézina to mean ‘It is a complete disaster!’ This phrase has its origin in Napoleon’s Grand Army suffering huge losses while trying to cross this river in 1812. In which country is the river Berezina located today?
  1. As per the Old Testament God punished Israel for a certain act of King David, so much so that even today this widely used practice is called ‘The Sin of David’. What was this sinful act of King David?

  1. What term derived from a famous city in the Middle East describes a design produced by the inlay of gold or silver into steel?
  1. According Jared Diamond, the American evolutionary biologist, what was the worst mistake in the history of the human race?

  1. Who was chosen by Pope John Paul II to be Europe's patron saint in 1999?
  1. Name the English psychologist who coined the term g factor, a controversial single factor that measures general intelligence.
  1. What is the term given to the cyber fraud in which a very small amount of money is siphoned out from a large number of accounts, collectively making a big amount
  1. The Cotonou Agreement is a treaty between the European Union and a group of African, Caribbean and Pacific states, so called because it was signed in June 2000 in Cotonou. In which country is Cotonou situated?
  1. Name the 19th Century Scottish Evangelist who is credited with having adopted the ‘God of the Gaps’ argument, in which a gap in scientific knowledge is used as evidence for existence of God.

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