Saturday, September 22, 2007

Answers to Quiz - 34

  1. Name the mythical animal which according to legend could only be captured by a virgin woman.

The Unicorn

  1. Which famous businesswoman known for her ethical and environmental practices was known as ‘The Queen of Green’

Anita Roddick

  1. Name the American billionaire who made his fortunes by investing in bankrupt companies and then turning them around, thereby earning the epithet ‘King of Bankruptcy’.

Wilbur Ross

  1. Inspired by the social networking website Facebook, what have the father – son duo Geoffrey and Alex Roche created?

Dogbook and Catbook for the pet owners

  1. What widely popular and copied television programme format did Simon Fuller create?

The idol series as in American Idol

  1. Pisco, the famous liquor of Peru is made from a grape that was originally imported from Spain in the 16th Century. Name this grape.


  1. What global think-tank was founded in April 1968 by Aurelio Peccei, an Italian industrialist, and Alexander King, a Scottish scientist?

The Club of Rome

  1. The Federal National Mortgage Association was originally founded as a government agency in 1938 as part of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal to provide home loans to the American people. By what adopted name is it popularly known?

Fanny Mae

  1. By what convenient but incorrect term are the French speaking Belgians known as?

The Walloons

  1. What widely used term today was first coined by the critic and writer Howard Rheingold?

Virtual Community

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