Sunday, August 26, 2007

Answers to Quiz -30

  1. Why is the 19th August observed as World Photography Day?

The first public announcement of photography was made on August 19, 1839 by Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre who invented the practical process of photography.

  1. Who is credited with having taken the first photograph in 1826?

Joseph Nicéphore Niépce

  1. Name the famous mathematician and theoretical physicist who is credited with having taken the first colour photograph in 1861?

James Clerk Maxwell. He discovered that colour photographs could be formed using red, green, and blue filters and had the photographer Thomas Sutton photograph a tartan ribbon three times, each time with a different colour filter over the lens.

  1. Which famous astronomer coined the word photography (from the Greek photos = light and graphein = to draw) and the terms negative and positive?

Sir John Herschel

  1. Who in 1841 patented the Calotype process that made it possible to print many copies of a photograph?

William Henry Fox Talbot

  1. What process introduced in 1851 by Frederick Scott Archer marks a watershed in photography?

The Collodion Process. It reduced the exposure times drastically - to as little as two or three seconds.

  1. Under what catchy slogan did George Eastman market his Kodak cameras in 1888?

You press the button, we do the rest

  1. Name the famous American photographer who in 1902 founded ‘Photo Secession’ a group of Avant-Garde photographers, to increase the awareness of photography as an art form.

Alfred Stieglitz

  1. Who invented the Digital Camera in 1975?

Steven Sasson, employed with Eastman Kodak

  1. The Ihagee Kine-Exakta produced in 1935 by Ihagee Kamerawerk in Dresden, Germany represents a landmark in camera design. What first of its kind camera is it widely believed to be?

The first 35mm SLR camera

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