1) Who created the famous Golden Arches logo for McDonald’s?
2) Originally called Brad’s Drink, after its creator Caleb Bradham, a pharmacist in
3) Which 18th Century writer first used the term YAHOO to refer to a race of uncivilized and brutal people?
4) The logo of Coca Cola was scripted in this distinctive flowing style by Frank Robinson, who was the book keeper of Coca Cola’s inventor John Pemberton. What script does the logo use?

5) What iconic figure based on the company’s founder did the cartoonist Tom Browne create in 1909 that has now become the hallmark of excellence in that product category?
6) What word coined by the nine year old nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner in 1920 has yielded the name of a major brand today?
7) Why did the Japanese company Toyoda Automatic Loom Works Ltd. change its brand and company name to
8) Who designed the swoosh logo of Nike?
9) Which symbol painted by the World War – I Italian ace pilot Count Francesco Baracca on the sides of his planes can be commonly seen in Formula 1 race circuits?
10) What are Slats, Jackie and Tanner?
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