Monday, September 28, 2009

QUIZ - 81

Ten questions on matters of the Heart to mark WORLD HEART DAY

1. South African surgeon Christiaan Barnard performed the first human heart transplant on 3rd December 1967. Name the Cape Town grocer who received the transplant.

2. She was the first woman to be named as the ‘Person of the year’ by Time Magazine in 1936. Her memoir is titled ‘The Heart has its Reasons’. Who is this controversial American lady to marry whom English King Edward VIII abdicated his throne in 1936?

3. Name the physician who invented the Heart Lung Machine in 1937

4. Named after the 19th Century Bohemian Physiologist, what are the specialised fibres of the cardiac muscle that conduct the electrical stimulus and enable the heart to contract in a coordinated fashion?

5. What term is used to describe the 2 sounds that are heard during each heart beat?

6. What term describes the medical condition in which the heart beats at a rate that is below the normal of 65 beats per minute?

7. For what invention did Willem Einthoven receive the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1924?

8. Stents are devices used to open up blocked coronary artery during an angioplasty. What alloy of Nickel and Titanium is usually used to make stents because of its ‘shape memory’ property?

9. If the tricuspid valve separates the right atrium and the right ventricle, what valve, named after its resemblance to a bishop’s hat, separates left atrium and left ventricle?

10. Who is the author of the 1948 novel ‘The Heart of the Matter’, which was once included by Time magazine in the 100 best English language novels?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Answers to Quiz - 80

1. What are Moai and where on earth would you find them?

Monolithic human figures on Easter Island

2. What internationally famous rule originally devised in 1927 and subsequently refined in 1992 and 2002 provides anonymity to speakers and encourages openness and sharing of information in meetings?

Chatham House Rule

3. In what field of human activity would the Palmer Method be used?


4. The September Issue is a documentary film about the September 2007 edition of a famous fashion magazine that at 5 pounds and 840 pages is the single largest issue of a magazine ever published. What is this magazine?


5. Name the instrument that measures the amount of work done by a muscle or group of muscles during a workout?


6. With over 32 kilometres of tunnels spread over more than twelve square kilometres which city has the largest underground shopping complex in the world?


7. What exceptional character in the entire animal kingdom is exhibited by the Syngnathidae family of fish, of which the seahorse is a typical example?

Male pregnancy

8. Spanning over 72 years and more than 15000 episodes, which is the longest running soap opera in the history of television?

Guiding Light. It came to an end on 18th Sept 2009.

9. Who popularised the economic concept of creative destruction?

Joseph Schumpeter

10. What doctrine or concept allows concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of government often extending to government ownership of industry?


Sunday, September 20, 2009

QUIZ - 80

1. What are Moai and where on earth would you find them?

2. What internationally famous rule originally devised in 1927 and subsequently refined in 1992 and 2002 provides anonymity to speakers and encourages openness and sharing of information in meetings?

3. In what field of human activity would the Palmer Method be used?

4. The September Issue is a documentary film about the September 2007 edition of a famous fashion magazine that at 5 pounds and 840 pages is the single largest issue of a magazine ever published. What is this magazine?

5. Name the instrument that measures the amount of work done by a muscle or group of muscles during a workout?

6. With over 32 kilometres of tunnels spread over more than twelve square kilometres which city has the largest underground shopping complex in the world?

7. What exceptional character in the entire animal kingdom is exhibited by the Syngnathidae family of fish, of which the seahorse is a typical example?

8. Spanning over 72 years and more than 15000 episodes, which is the longest running soap opera in the history of television?

9. Who popularised the economic concept of creative destruction?

10. What doctrine or concept allows concentration of economic controls and planning in the hands of government often extending to government ownership of industry?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Answers to Quiz - 79

1. Banana Republic is a derogatory term for small countries ruled by dictators. Originally used for countries of Central America, which famous short story writer coined this term?

O Henry

2. Which is the world’s leading banana producing country in the world?


3. What are bananas that needs to be cooked prior to eating called?


4. What is the banana problem?

Not knowing where or when to bring a production or operation to a close. This phrase comes from the story of the little girl who said, "I know how to spell 'banana,' I just don't know when to stop."

5. Which famous cartoonist created the mascot for Chiquita, the world’s leading brand of banana?

Dik Browne, who created Hagar the Horrible

6. Name the personal physician to Roman emperor Octavius Augustus who is credited with having popularised the cultivation of banana.

Antonius Musa

7. What term coined by the French geographer Roger Brunet describes the corridor of urbanisation in Western Europe extending from England to Italy?

The Blue Banana

8. Bananas grow in bunches containing 10 to 25 fruits. What is the term used for this bunch


9. Out of the more than 1000 varieties of bananas, which is the most widely cultivated?

The Cavendish

10. Which American city celebrates an annual festival every June to mark the invention of the famous sundae Banana Split?

Wilmington in Ohio

Sunday, September 06, 2009

QUIZ - 79

1. Banana Republic is a derogatory term for small countries ruled by dictators. Originally used for countries of Central America, which famous short story writer coined this term?

2. Which is the world’s leading banana producing country in the world?

3. What are bananas that needs to be cooked prior to eating called?

4. What is the Banana Problem?

5. Which famous cartoonist created the mascot for Chiquita, the world’s leading brand of banana?

6. Name the personal physician to Roman emperor Octavius Augustus who is credited with having popularised the cultivation of banana.

7. What term coined by the French geographer Roger Brunet describes the corridor of urbanisation in Western Europe extending from England to Italy?

8. Bananas grow in bunches containing 10 to 25 fruits. What is the term used for this bunch?

9. Out of the more than 1000 varieties of bananas, which is the most widely cultivated?

10. Which American city celebrates an annual festival every June to mark the invention of the famous sundae Banana Split?

Answers to Quiz - 78

1. What method for determination of accurate costs was introduced in 1987 by 2 Harvard Business School professors, Robert Kaplan and William Bruns?

Activity Based Costing

2. Which organization first practiced the concept of Benchmarking in 1979 and who introduced it to them?

Xerox, Robert Camp

3. Who coined the term core competence in a 1990 article?

C.K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel

4. What model developed by Michael Porter explains why particular industries become competitive in particular locations?

Diamond Model

5. Which company developed and pioneered the concept of Economic Value Added (EVA), widely held today as the holy grail of corporate performance measure?

Stern Stewart

6. Who developed the principle of Force Field Analysis, which provides a framework for looking at factors that influence a situation?

Kurt Lewin

7. What theory of decision making was postulated by Irving Janis in 1970’s to explain how decisions are taken by groups more interested in maintaining their cohesiveness than evaluating facts realistically?


8. Name the 1954 book in which Abraham Maslow expounded his famous Hierarchy of Needs model?

Motivation and Personality

9. Who introduced the principle of ‘management by objectives’ in the 1954 book, The Practice of Management?

Peter Drucker

10. Name the management consultant who is widely credited with having devised the tool of SWOT Analysis?

Albert Humphrey