2) Placebo is a medicine given more to please than to benefit the patient. What does placebo mean in Latin?
I shall please
3) Which celebrated astronomer was the first to study the crystal structure of snow, publishing in 1611 the treatise ‘on the six-cornered snowflake’?
Johannes Kepler
4) What is the term used for a company that has no specific business plan or purpose other than acquiring or merging with another unidentified company?
Blank Cheque Company
5) He is the great grandfather of Aleksander Pushkin, who wrote an unfinished novel about him – The Moor of Peter the Great. Name this African slave who was brought to Russia by Peter the Great.
Abraham Petrovich Gannibal

6) What is the name of the Russian revolutionary movement of 1860’s and 1870’s that takes its name from the Russian phrase for ‘going to the people’?
7) One of the world’s first great architectural styles that evolved more than 4000 years ago in ancient Mesopotamia continues to be widely used even today. What is the name of this terraced pyramid structure?

8) What is the term used by Dr. Lyall Watson to describe the sudden spontaneous and mysterious leap of consciousness achieved when an allegedly "critical mass" point is reached in animal and human behaviour?
The hundredth monkey phenomenon
9) What word describes the act of looking at something, especially accidents on the road, when you drive by?
10) Which sect of Shiite Islam has given to the world the word Assassin due to the terrorist and murderous activities of its members in the 11th Century?
Nizari Ismailis